City of Bones Characters

City of Bones Character List

Clarissa Adele "Clary" Fairchild

A 15-year-old Shadowhunter who ended up living as a mundane when her mother ran away from her father, she is a short, red-headed girl with green eyes. Her mother is Jocelyn Fray and her father is Valentine Morgenstern. She has an older brother named Jonathan. Because she had the Sight since an early age, her mother took her to Magnus to cast a spell on her that would prevent her from seeing the Shadow World. Clary starts to see them when the spell fails to be redone after two years.

Jonathan Christopher "Jace" Wayland

He is described as the best Shadowhunter of his generation, not only with his stunning golden looks but also his blindingly quick and graceful movements. He is 17 years old and was adopted by the Lightwood family after his father, believed to be Michael Wayland, was killed when he was 10 years old. It is later discovered that his father was Valentine and that Jace is Valentine’s son. He is impulsive but loyal to those he loves but hesitant to form new relationships.

Simon Lewis

A mundane, Clary’s best friend who is in love with her. Simon met Clary when she was 6 years old and become inseparable since then. He is described as geeky, with glasses, brown hair and always wearing band t-shirts. He avidly played Dungeons & Dragons read manga with Clary, and was part of a music band with his friends.

Isabelle "Izzy’" Lightwood

Alec’s younger sister, a beautiful Shadowhunter with black hair and dark brown eyes, and tall. She is a skilled Shadowhunter and very attached to her brother and her stepbrother, Jace. She wields an electrum whip as her primary weapon, other than her beauty, both of which she uses expertly. She prides herself on being strong and is determined to fight her way through everything.

Alec Lightwood

The oldest child in the Lightwood family and also Jace’s parabatai. He is at first cold towards Clary because he developed romantic feelings towards Jace and he sees her as a threat and also as a person who makes Jace do things that put him in danger, and also due to his low self-esteem. He believes in upholding the Covenant and thus is always engaged in an internal battle.

Luke Garroway

A Shadowhunter born Lucian Graymark who grew up in Idris, but now owns a bookstore in New York. He was a member of The Circle and also Valentine’s Parabatai. He was turned a werewolf and was betrayed by Valentine who told him to kill himself. He fell in love with Jocelyn and after she ran away from Valentine, he searched for her and remained with her, becoming Clary’s parental figure.

Hodge Starkweather

A former Shadowhunter and the tutor at the Institute in New York. He was a member of the Circle and as a punishment, he was cursed to never leave the Institute. He ends up betraying the Clave by giving Valentine the Mortal Cup and Jace in exchange for his freedom. He is depicted with a raven on his shoulder, Hugo.

Valentine Morgenstern

The founder of the Circle and a firm believer that all Downworlders must die to purge the world from what he considered demonic influences. He is Jocelyn’s husband and has two children, Clary and Jonathan. He kidnaps Jocelyn to obtain the Mortal Cup. He is a cruel man who is willing to sacrifice his family for his cause.

Jocelyn Fray, née Fairchild

A Shadowhunter and Clary’s mother. She ran away from her husband, Valentine, the Shadow World, and the Clave, and hid in the human world with Clary and Luke. She is described as having red curly hair, tall, and with a slim figure. She is also an expert and elegant artist.

Madame Dorothea

A mundane 'witch' adopted by a warlock who lives in the same apartment building as Clary and her mother. She guards the portal in Clary and Jocelyn's apartment. And is later possessed by Abbadon.

Magnus Bane

The High Warlock of Brooklyn put a spell on Clary and later healed Alec when he was attacked by a demon. He has a romantic interest in Alec and is described as very glittery, with his hair often in spikes and strange clothing.

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