Clarissa Characters

Clarissa Character List

Clarissa Harlowe

Clarissa is the protagonist and the main character of the novel. She is a model and a person with a very strong moral compass. She is known for her extreme beauty and her kindness, and she helps the poor. She inherits her grandfather’s estate after his death making her sibling extremely jealous and angry.

Robert Lovelace

The antagonist of the novel. Lovelace is a playboy, and he seduces women. He loves Clarissa and he tries to conquer her.

Anna Howe

Carissa’s best friend and a very lively female. She is, sometimes, offensive and discourteous; however, she loves Clarissa and is a respectful friend. She makes fun of Clarissa at times for her hidden love for Lovelace.

John Belford

Lovelace’s best friend and also a playboy. Belford and Lovelace have a special language and they write to each other using it deliberately about their misbehaviors and unmoral things they have done to women.

Mrs. Sinclair

Madame of a London’s whorehouse and a very rude masculine lady. She is also a widow.

Sr. James Harlowe

Clarissa, Arabella, and James’s father. He is very bad tempered and unforgiving. He is obssed with his family’s wealth and reputation, and does not bear any mischief from his children.

James Harlowe Jr.

Clarissa’s  older brother and Sr. Harlowe’s son. He is not very smart or courageous however he has extreme pride.

Mrs. Charlotte Harlowe

Clarissa’s mother and Sr. Halowe’s wife. She is very loving woman however she never speaks up to her husband. She often calls Clarissa a troublemaker.

Arabella Harlowe

Clarissa’s older sister. She overvalues money and reputation, and she is bad tempered like her father. When Clarissa inherits her Grandfather’s estate both Arabella and her brother get extremely jealous. Arabella is nowhere near as close to Clarissa in beauty or kindness.

Mrs. Judith Norton

Clarissa’s caretaker. Mrs. Norton take is responsible for Clarissa’s kindness, morality and education. She is a wonderful woman.  

Mr. Hickman

Anna’s admirer. Mr. Hickman is very gentlemanly and dresses very formal; this causes Anna to make fun of him.

Roger Solmes

A wealthy man whom Clarissa's parents wish her to marry. He is obsessed with money and has a lot of it, so he was welcomed into the family; however, he is not a good match for Clarissa.

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