Coming Through Slaughter Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Explain the character of Buddy Bolden as brought out in Michael Ondaatje’s Coming Through Slaughter.

    A significant trait that highlights Bolden’s character is his unpredictability. The writer draws this trait to the reader’s attention by presenting Bolden’s tendency to disappear for long periods on end, only to return without an explanation of his whereabouts. Additionally, while Bolden is also temperamental, as seen through his angry nature and a lack of remorse for cutting one of his customers at his barbershop, he is also creative, seeing as he can creatively turn the stories that he hears at his shop into exciting headlines.

  2. 2

    Explore the theme of extramarital affairs and unfaithfulness as brought out in Michael Ondaatje’s Coming Through Slaughter.

    In this story, extramarital affairs begin with Bolden’s wife Nora, who has an affair with Tom Pickett. When Bolden gets wind of this, he becomes so angry to the extent that he cuts one of the customers at his barbershop. Bolden runs away to live in Shell Beach, where he also has an affair with Robin. This couple becomes the writer’s way of presenting the idea of extramarital affairs while also noting their effects on a couple’s relationship.

  3. 3

    Suicide as a theme is explored in Ondaatje’s Coming Through Slaughter. Show how the writer presents this theme using illustrations from the story.

    While not a central theme of the novel, the writer brings out the concept of suicide in this work. In particular, Bellocq becomes an emblem of this theme when he burns down his studio and even kills himself due to rage. In this way, the adverse effects of being temperamental are drawn to the attention of the reader. Because Bellocq is unable to handle Webb’s criticisms, he resorts to committing suicide, perhaps seeing it as his only way out of the accusations.

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