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Deep Wizardry Literary Elements

Deep Wizardry Literary Elements



Setting and Context

It is set in the mid-1980s on the South Shore of Long Island.

Narrator and Point of View

It is narrated in the third person.

Tone and Mood

Naïve, optimistic, animated

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist: Nita and Kit; Antagonist: Lone Power and the Kraken.

Major Conflict

During vacation, Nita and Kit learn about the undersea wizards who imprison the evil Lone Power through the Song. Once again someone has to sacrifice himself or herself to complete the spell required to protect the world.


The climax reaches after the bindings holding the Lone Power weaken and releases the Kraken that kills some of the wizards in the water.


“No wizardry is done without a price.”

The statement foreshadows the sacrifice of the Silent One in the song ceremony.




The phrase ‘beam-me-up-Scotty’ reference the television series “Star Trek”.


“The dark bulk of the injured whale heaved up and down with her breathing, while small weak whistling noises went in and out. The whale’s skin was marked with rope burns and little pits and ragged gashes of shark bites. The greatest wound, though, the one still leaking blood, was too large for any shark to have made.”


Though Ed is the Master Shark tasked with killing the sacrifice in the ceremony he takes the role of the Silent One.


The novel parallels the world of wizards and the regular living world.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



The tale personifies animals and objects as the cetaceans are wizards with humanlike personalities.

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