Doctor Faustus (Thomas Mann)


Doctor Faustus or Doctor Faust may refer to:

  • Faust, a legendary and fictional character
  • Johann Georg Faust (c. 1480 or 1466–c. 1541), German alchemist, astrologer, and magician
  • Doctor Faustus (play), also known as The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, a 1592 play by Christopher Marlowe
  • Doktor Faust, a 1925 opera by Ferruccio Busoni
  • Doctor Faustus (novel), a 1947 novel by Thomas Mann
  • Doctor Faustus (1967 film), a 1967 film directed by Richard Burton and Nevill Coghill
  • Doctor Faustus (character), a Marvel Comics character
  • Doctor Faustus (1982 film), a 1982 film directed by Franz Seitz
  • Dr Faustus, an English folk music band that preceded Faustus
  • Doctor Faustus (2021 film), a 2021 film directed by Mariana Lewis
See also
  • Faustus (disambiguation)
  • Faust (disambiguation)

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