Doctor Zhivago

Doctor Zhivago Analysis

The twentieth century with its tragic events has become a time of severe trials for many people. Especially hard it was for the representatives of the intelligentsia, who saw all the horror of the situation but could not change anything. It is no accident that the twentieth century was called the "wolfhound age".

One of the brightest works revealing the relationship of man with the era was the novel of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago." Written in 1955 it was printed in the homeland only in 1988, 33 years later. Why did the work evoke such a reaction from the authorities? Outwardly the plot is quite traditional for the beginning of the twentieth century: it is about the fate of a person in the era of revolutionary change. The events of the novel are shown through the prism of the perception of the main character, therefore the plot first of all is connected with the fate of the young doctor Yuri Zhivago.

This novel - a work deeply symbolic. We can say that there are two elements reigning here, opposing and opposing each other. This is life and death, living and dead, true and false, humane and anti-human.

The artistic center of the work is the life of Yuri Andreevich Zhivago, inscribed in a complex and contradictory current of history. History in the novel is a multi-level concept. This is the Russian culture, incontestable despite everything, it's Russian nature, it's the relationship of the characters.

The fate of man according to Pasternak is not directly related to the historical era in which he has to live. The protagonist of the novel did not struggle with the circumstances, but did not adapt to them remaining a person under any conditions. Zhivago is a broad specialist, a therapist but rather a diagnostician than a doctor in charge. He is able to foresee and make an accurate diagnosis, but does not seek to correct or treat, that is to interfere with the natural course of things. At the same time such a kind of fatalism of Zhivago does not prevent him from making the necessary moral choice in which the true freedom of man manifests itself.

From the very beginning of the novel there are boys - Yuri Zhivago, Misha Gordon, Nika Dudorov and girls - Nadia, Tonya. Only Lara Gishar is "a girl from another circle." The author wanted to name the novel "Boys and Girls". And although the events of the novel unfold around the grown-up heroes, teenage perception remains with Yuri himself, with Lara and even with Antipov who has become another man.

But life is not a childish game, it is a reality that has intervened in the fates of the main characters. A novel begins with the suicide of Yuri’s father - the ruined Zhivago, and shifts to none other than the lawyer Komarovsky, who later played a tragic role in the fate of Lara.

At the age of 11 becoming an orphan Zhivago found himself in the family of Professor Gromeko, who had a daughter Tonya - the same age as Yuri. They have such a triumvia there: Yura, his friend and classmate Gordon and the daughter of the owners Tonya Gromeko. This triple alliance has read "Sense of Love" and "Kreutzer Sonata" and is obsessed with the preaching of chastity. "

Indeed, in their lives more than once will happen the "destiny of the wreath". For example, after becoming a doctor, Yuri will go to the First World War, and Lara, after marrying Pavel Antipov and traveling with him to the Urals city of Yuryatin, will later track him down, who is missing, at the front, and meet Zhivago there.

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" becomes a spiritual biography of its author, because the fate of Yuri Zhivago is woven into the life and spiritual path of its creator.

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