Douglas Dunn: Poetry Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Douglas Dunn: Poetry Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Symbol for pain

In the poem "Larksong’’ the narrator mentions how the ground was covered by ice and snow but how those were eventually melted by the spring warmth. The narrator is affected by the ice and he feels its effects directly. Thus, in this context, the ice mentioned here is the pain the narrator feels as a result of being abandoned by the person he loved.

Symbol for hope

In the poem "Liquid Light’’ the narrator mentions how the light used to feast on the morning dew each morning but how this action had a negative effect. The morning dew was affected by the light and eventually even destroyed by it. The dew in this context is used as a symbol, to make reference to the hope destroyed by the destructive light.

Symbol for destruction

Another important symbol in the poem "Liquid Light’’ is the light itself. The light is described in the poem as a destructive force and the narrator claims the light destroyed the dew. Thus, the light is used here as a symbol for the destructive power the woman has over the man.

The departure of the beloved

Another common theme in the poems is the idea that the narrator is always left by the person he loves. While sometime it is implied that the person left him, on other occasions the narrator implies that the lover died and thus he was left behind to mourn the loss.

The presence of nature

Another common motif in the poems is the presence of nature. The narrator mentions different birds and animals and he describes them in great detail. Also, the idea transmitted is that the natural world is more capable of understand pain that the normal humans who may sometimes remain unaffected by it.

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