Eight Men Out (Film) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What stadium was used to film Eight Men Out?

    Bush Stadium was used to make this film. It is in Indianapolis, Indiana and was choses because of its likeness to stadiums during the era of 1919. At the time many of the stadiums from the time period of the film had been torn down thus leaving very few options and Bush Stadium was one of the finest choices on the market.

  2. 2

    How many of the White Sox players who fixed the series went to prison?

    None. The Sox players were able to get out of jail time. But the players were never allowed to play baseball in the major leagues again, and thus set the standard for enforcement when gambling occurs. For example, Pete Rose not being inducted into the Hall of Fame because of his gambling relates to rules created from the Black Sox scandal.

  3. 3

    What was the new position created from the 1919 World Series scandal?

    In 1920 after the World Series scandal, many of the team owners banned together to install Kenesaw Mountain Landis as the first Commissioner of Baseball. He was put into place to regulate the game, but truthfully to protect the owners interests.

  4. 4

    What was the symbol to the gamblers that the fix was on?

    If the fix was on, Cicotte, the Game 1 starting pitcher for the White Sox was supposed to hit the very first batter with a pitch. Thus when Morrie Rath, the leadoff hitter for the Cincinnati Reds was struck with a pitch it was as sign that the team was going to throw the Series. Cicotte had been paid $10,000 the night before.

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