Eight Men Characters

Eight Men Character List

David Saunders

Dave is one of the main characters in the book. When school closes for the summer break, Dave goes to work on a plantation field. At the age of seventeen years, Dave is still dealing with the complicated emotions of an adolescent teenager. When the other field workers tease him, Dave uses his salary to buy a gun which he believes will earn him more respect. Buying the gun proves to be a bad decision as Dave mistakenly shoots one of Mr. Hawkins’s donkeys, Jenny.

Mrs. Saunders

Dave’s mother, Mrs. Saunders is a kind-hearted, practical, and honest woman. She tries her best to make her son happy and steer him in the right direction. When Dave buys a gun, Mrs. Saunders asks him to return it. After Dave shoots Mr. Hawkins’s donkey, she forces him to tell the truth and accept the consequences.

Mr. Saunders

Unlike his wife, Mr. Saunders is a strict disciplinarian who values his son’s hard work over his happiness. Mr. Saunders's primary concern is Dave’s potential to contribute to the family’s earnings. If need be, Mr. Saunders does not shy away from using violence to discipline his son.

Mr. Hawkins

Mr. Hawkins, Dave’s employer, is the richest plantation owner in the area. He is a strict yet reasonable man. When Dave shoots his donkey, Mr. Hawkins appoints Dave extra work to compensate for his loss instead of reporting him to the police.

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