1 Which of the following most accurately describes the speaker of the poem? An old and dying man James K. Baxter The grandson of a man who did not express his emotions A priest at a funeral 2 What is the likeliest reason that the poem's title is addressed to "my Father's Father"? The speaker does not want the reader to know his grandfather's real name The speaker hates his grandfather To show the emotional distance between speaker and grandfather The speaker does not know his grandfather's name 3 Which of the following is not true of the grandfather in the poem? He had a close relationship with nature He had a close relationship with his wife, but no one else He used to perform difficult manual labor and was very strong He did not express his emotions throughout his life 4 Which of the following phrases is not used to describe the grandfather in the poem? "Tall tower broken" "Old and blind" "Wicked old man" "Bitter veins" 5 What does the grandfather recall at the end of his life? A tennis match that he lost when he was 17 The day he got his dog His early years spent at a house on the waterside His wife's dying words 6 Which of the following is a likely symbolic significance for the inclusion of the flower aaronsrod? A reference to the grandfather's first name, Aaron There is no possible symbolic significance for this flower A reference to the Biblical Aaron's walking stick A reference to the American politician Aaron Burr 7 Which of the following does the speaker not observe at his grandfather's funeral? A pastor giving a speech A stone cairn The grandfather's family members mourning his death Flowers and a bagpipe 8 What literary device is used in the following phrase: "On his walking shoulder held / Under the lion sun"? Metaphor Alliteration Malapropism Irony 9 Why does the speaker likely describe his grandfather's mind as a "burning-glass"? Because it was dangerous and likely to hurt the people around him Because his grandfather worked as a glass artist To ironically call attention to his grandfather's foolishness To show its power even as the grandfather grew old 10 How does the grandfather feel while facing death at the very end of the poem? Happy Terrified Peaceful and unafraid Angry 11 Which of the following best describes the grandfather as a young man? A celebrated athlete Strong and in touch with nature An extremely curious individual Physically weak but very smart 12 How does the grandfather occupy his days as an elderly man? Going for walks outdoors Sitting in the kitchen by a fire imagining the natural world Reading books Playing checkers 13 Which of the following best encapsulates the speaker's feelings regarding his grandfather? He hates his grandather He wishes he had never met his grandfather Mixed feelings: he simultaneously admires and rejects his grandfather He loves his grandfather 14 Which of the following does the grandfather not recall of his childhood? Hearing waves crashing all night Leaves falling off of trees Imagining all the people the sea has killed Playing sports in the sun 15 What does the grandfather realize on his deathbed? That his life was a complete waste That he wished he had written more poetry in his life That he never expressed his emotions That he is afraid to die 16 Why does the speaker say the grandfather had not expressed himself in "eighty years of days"? There is no reason for this particular choice To downplay the length of his grandfather's life To emphasize the extreme amount of time that the grandfather spent not expressing himself Because this is the most exact way to express his grandfather's age 17 Which of the following literary devices is important to the meaning of the poem? Repetition Metonymy Irony Oxymoron 18 What is the meaning of "O" in line 4? It is how the speaker expresses fear It is how the speaker expresses laughter It refers to a secret conversation between grandfather and grandson which the reader is not privy to A classic poetic expression of an overflowing of intense emotion 19 What are "sods" as used in this poem? A nonsensical term with no literal meaning A group of pigs Sections of soil held together by the roots of grass A vulgar British term 20 What are "boughs" as used in this poem? A pair of dirty shoes Gifts for a good friend Fist fights Branches 21 An elegy is a poem that typically does what? Mourns a dead person or reflects on death in general Rhymes Confesses love for someone Tells a story 22 What is the significance of the speaker saying that his grandfather's "heart had never spoken / In song or bridal bed"? This explains why the grandfather was divorced The grandfather was a professional singer who never expressed his emotions in his songs That the grandfather didn't express his emotions in even these intense moments illustrates his utter reticence All of the above 23 Why is "memorial denied" in the fifth line? The grandfather failed to form close connections to the people in his life The grandfather was dishonorably discharged from the military The grandfather requested not to have a funeral ceremony The grandfather was widely hated in his community 24 Which of the following is not a stage of the grandfather's life that we are shown in the poem? The grandfather as a loving father to his children The grandfather as an old and blind man The grandfather as a strong young man who does manual labor The grandfather as a child at his home by the water 25 Which of the following is not a traditional section of an elegy? Consolation Lament Praise Rage