Erec and Enide Summary

Erec and Enide Summary

Standing guard over Queen Guinevere during a hunt, Erec is abused by a knight and a dwarf who approach them both. As it turns out, the knight's name is Yder, and he hails from a distant kingdom. Insulted by Yder's boldness, Guinever sends Erec to pursue him. After a lengthy journey, Erec finds Yder competing in a contest for a falcon. Having fallen for a beautiful maid in the town named Enide, Eric wins the competition and gives her the bird. Erec immediately marries Enide and takes her home to King Arthur's Court where she is honored by Guinevere.

After enjoying several years of blissful marriage, Enide hears that Erec has been failing in his duties because he's spending so much time with her. Although enjoying his company, she laments his failing reputation. Erec notices his wife crying one day and instructs her to prepare to accompany him on a long journey; he's taking her with him on a knightly quest. Throughout their travels, Enide largely observes Erec from a safe distance, but several times she speaks up to warn him of danger. Erec engages with many knights, wins horses, kills counts who threaten Enide's honor, and even makes friends with Guivret the Small. The couple make quite an enviable pair, carrying out valorous acts throughout the kingdom and beyond.

Having completed this quest of honor, Erec and Enide begin a homeward journey. They rescue some prisoners and even meet some distant family members. When they arrive in Nantes, their reputations have already preceded them. The entire kingdom has heard of the bold and beautiful Eric and Enide. They are crowed king and queen in Nantes, ruling side-by-side.

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