Fahrenheit 451 (1966 film) Characters

Fahrenheit 451 (1966 film) Character List

Guy Montag

Guy Montag is the main protagonist of the film. He is a senior member of the firemen who loves burning books and especially enjoys the smell of kerosene that sticks to his skin. However, his resolve is shattered by his neighbor Clarisse. He begins to secretly steal and keep books, leading to numerous arguments with his wife. Montag is eventually found out which leads to him killing the captain of the firemen and going on the run. He escapes and becomes one of the book people, memorizing a book to keep it alive through the years. Montag is shown to be resilient, determined, intelligent, and a non-conformist.

Linda Montag

Linda Montag is Guy Montag's wife. She is the epitome of what an individual in this society should be like. Linda enjoys allow the shallow attractions of the oppressive society, including reckless driving, drugs, and especially her large televisions that cover three walls. She spends her days isolated at home, glued to the programs on her interactive televisions, and sometimes invites over her equally conformist friends to watch with her. We find out that she suffers from multiple drug overdoses that almost kill her, leading us to the conclusion that she is stuck in her current lifestyle. Linda is terrified of Guy Montag's obsession with books and eventually turns him in and leaves him.


Clarisse is the 20-year-old neighbor of the Montag's and is the opposite of a conformist. She is a schoolteacher but is on the verge of losing her job because she teaches in a style that is different from how the government wants everyone to be taught. Clarisse and her entire family are a bit odd and we later find out that she hoards books at her home, determined not to let the government destroy freedom of thought. However, she is eventually found out and forced to flee. Clarisse changes Montag's way of thinking and coerces him to join the book people.


The unnamed captain is the head of the firemen squad. His resolve to destroy books and everything they stand for is unbreakable. He is a cold, determined, and a slightly manic individual. Throughout the film, the Captain gives Guy Montag multiple lectures about why books are a threat to society and the harm they can cause, having read a few books himself. The Captain is who Montag would have become if he had not read books. The Captain suspects Montag and eventually he turns out to be right when the firemen arrive at Montag's house, forcing Guy Montag to burn his own books. In the end, the Captain is killed by Montag but still believed that his path was righteous.


Fabian is Montag's untrustworthy colleague who is a conformist and conservative. He goes about his job without questioning the authorities. Later in the film, Fabian notices Montag sneak a book into his satchel from the old woman's library. He later tips the Captain about Montag's last book that had not been destroyed , his copy of "Tales of Mystery and Immagination by Edgar Allan Poe". He can be seen as one of the Antagonists of the film. He respresents the ignorant and close minded people of society.

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