Far from Heaven Imagery

Far from Heaven Imagery

Images of Radical Prejudice

The film replete with images of prejudice against the African Americans. Raymond is attacked by the people in Cathy's street just because an African American holds her hand. Cathy loves Raymond but she hesitates in accepting her love for him because of the racist attitude prevailing in her society. Cathy's friends leave her owing to her acquaintance with a black man. The writer has also portrayed the consequences of Cathy's relationship with Raymond on Raymond's daughter. She is assaulted by the white boys because her father was getting involved in a white woman. The racial discrimination compels Raymond to leave the town with his daughter.

Images of Unsuccessful Marriage

There are images of an unsuccessful marriage which have been demonstrated through the characters of Cathy and Frank. Cathy pretends to be happily married at first but gradually it can be seen that she was not happy at all. Her husband was involved in homosexual relationships and he didn't care about his wife. Cathy remains busy in her household chores but her marriage was a failure. Despite of spending time with each other, Cathy and Frank couldn't love each other. Cathy starts getting in a friendly relationship with an African American man and Raymond continues his gay relationships. They go on a trip to resolve their conflicts but their marriage ends in divorce.

Imagery of Betrayal

There are images of betryal in the film where Frank betrays his wife and doesn't tell her about his relationship with other men. Cathy catches him in his office and finds him kissing a man. He consoles her by saying that he is suffering from some mental illness. He promises to consult the psychiatrist but he doesn't give up his gay relationships and keeps on visiting the gay bars. Cathy betrays her husband by falling in love with Raymond. She also betrays him on their trip by getting involved in another man. They go on a trip to solve their issues and to strengthen their bond but their betrayal especially Frank's betryal was too complicated to get over with.

Images of Violence

The writer has depicted the images of violence at various instances in the film. Frank becomes violent with his wife and humiliates her before his friends. He accidentally strikes her as well and she gets a wound on her forehead. The images of violence are also present in the assaults on Raymond's daughter, who is persecuted by the white boys owing to her father's relationship with Cathy. Raymond faves the violence of society because of his identity as an African American man.

Imagery of Sacrifice

The imagery of sacrifice is also prevalent as there is a demonstration of sacrificing personal desires for others. Cathy sacrifices her relationship with Raymond initially because of the fear of society and for her relationship with her husband. Her husband humiliates her and hits her but she remains quiet and covers his brutal acts. She sacrifices her love and respect for the sake of her married life. Raymond wanted her daughter to study in an American school but sacrifices his desires because of the racial prejudice against the blacks. He sacrifices his love for Cathy and their friendship for the safety of his daughter. He didn't want to get his daughter into any trouble as a result of his acquaintance with Cathy so he refuses her and halts her from coming with him.

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