"In spite of his unlucky reputation, there was a steadiness, a calmness in White Man's Dog that Yellow Kidney liked"
Here, the character of White Man's Dog is the focus. White Man's Dog is described as having an "unlucky reputation," due to the fact he at first appeared to be weak in battle. However, Yellow Kidney senses the potential within White Man's Dog and sees that he is capable of courage and calmness.
"Even the bad girls who hung around the forts wanted nothing to do with him. Because he did not own a fine gun and a strong horse they ignored him."
Here, White Man's Dog is described as being unpopular with women. This is due to his lack of experience in battle, and the fact he was not esteemed in his tribe. This being said, White Man's Dog later proves himself in battle which makes him more attractive to the women around him.
"But all that had changed now because Fast Horse had changed. He had become an outsider within his own band."
Here, we see the effects of Fast Horse's mistake. As he made a critical mistake in battle, he was isolated and outcasted from his tribe and felt undesirable and unwanted.