"But to what purpose
Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves
I do not know.’’
The narrator describes how most of the people in our society aim to reach the rose garden, a wonderful place where everyone wants to go. But the narrator questions the reason why many people want to arrive there. He is unsure why so many people want to disturb the silence of the garden and the natural harmony that exists in it. Through this, the narrator implies that everyone has an idea about how they want to live their lives, the things that make them happy or think it will make them happy. These ideals represent the roses in the garden. But they do not have a real goal in their lives and thus when they reach the garden, they are unsure of what to do next. Because they do not have a clear idea in their minds, they only disturb the peace of the garden and do not know what to do next.
"In the beginning is my end.’’
The second poem in the collection continues to promote the same ideas as in the first poem, namely how from the moment a person is born, they are already moving fast towards their death. The narrator does not deny this fact and tries instead to embrace it, aware of how this can influence his life. In a way, this attitude is presented as being a positive one because it makes the narrator prioritize what is truly important in life and forces him to an extent to refuse to spend his time and effort on things that do not deserve his attention.
"Do not let me hear
Of the wisdom of old men, but rather of their folly,(…)
The only wisdom we can hope to acquire
Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless.’’
Through this quote, the narrator transmits the idea that we, as humans, want to hide our failures and to only show our achievements. The narrator does not approve of these men because they do not present the reality. Instead, they present the type of life many want, a life where no disappointments or failures exist. While this may be what men want to hear, it is not only good to present only the achievements many have in life. Instead, they have to learn about humility as well and about how to deal with the disappointments that are sure to come.