Leon Trout
The Narrator, a spirit who follows the evolution of the final humans and refuses to travel to the afterlife, son of Kilgore Trout, Vietnam Veteran who went AWOL to Sweden
Mary Hepburn
a passenger on the Bahia de Darwin, an American widow, teaches at Ilium High School
Roy Hepburn
Mary's husband, died in 1985 from a brain tumor, forced Mary to remarry and go on the cruise on his deathbed
Akiko Hiroguchi
Daughter of Hisako Hiroguchi, covered with fur
Hisako Hiroguchi
Zenji's pregnant wife, mother of Akiko Hiroguchi
Zenji Hiroguchi
Japanese computer genius, invented the Gokubi and Mandarax
Andrew MacIntosh
an American businessman/adventure capitalist, trying to make a business deal with Zenji involving the Mandarax
Selena MacIntosh
Andrew's blind daughter
Adolf von Kleist
Captain of the Bahia de Darwin, just a show for the passengers, doesn't know how to steer the ship
James Wait
An American scammer/swindler, 35 years old, marries Mary Hepburn shortly before his death