Do or Die
This quote of Gandhi gave a message to the then Indian masses to stick on to freedom fight without giving up. This was said to sensitize Indians about the true spirit of the freedom movement. Gandhi motivated people to continue their struggle to achieve independence.
Where there is love there is life
Gandhi had mentioned the intrinsic relation between love and life. Gandhi had said that one should be filled with love for fellow beings. He mentioned that one should not be filled with hatred. He had said that life is impossible without love.
An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole World blind
This quote was said by Gandhi in the context of mobilizing the then violent masses of India to pursue non-violence. These words of Gandhi had a greater impact on people. This quote explained the devastating effects of violence that make the World blind. This idea was aimed at developing non-retaliatory character in people. This quote means that the thirst for revenge makes the vision of people disappear.