George Meredith: Poems Characters

George Meredith: Poems Character List


The personified Earth is the topic of Meredith's poem "Meditation under Stars." The Earth is seen as the source of life and meaning. As a female figure, she is the source of nourishment and beauty, providing humanity with endless amusement. She maintains all the various manifestations of nature -- stars, flowers, water, etc.

The Great Juggler

In the "Juggling Jerry" this name appears to refer to three characters ambiguously. First there is the narrator, who identifies himself as a juggler. He's feeling guilt for cheating on his wife over the years, despite her faithfulness. Rather than dwelling upon the betrayal, he prefers to accept responsibility for it while also explaining his philosophy about the necessity of a circus worker to employ deception. He calls it an honest living, but he acknowledges that many will disagree. Second, this term refers to the narrator's ideal. He aspires to be the "great juggler," whom everyone will travel miles to see. In this sense, the Great Juggler is the narrator after he's realized his full potential and attained mastery. Finally, he also refers to the "Great Juggler" as a euphemism for God, the judge.

The Juggler's Wife

Also the subject of the "Juggling Jerry." She is the one who has supported her husband throughout his tumultuous career. She's rejected fortune and fame to remain by his side, so now he's looking to repay her devotion.

The Beloved

The narrator in "Love in the Valley" professes his love for a young woman. She's described as "wild." To her mother, she is reckless and young and needs someone to look after her still. To her lover, however, this girl is perfection, synonymous with nature itself. He considers her so naturally divine as to be liable for heaven to swoop her up randomly.


Protagonist of "Lucifer in Starlight," Prince Lucifer ascends into the sky and flies around the world. He visits Africa and the Arctic. He is, however, limited beneath the confines of the stars. He remembers being kicked out of heaven and the punishment which is his current existence.

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