1 Who wrote the book on whom the film is based? Ian Fleming Danielle Steele Agatha Christie Jonathan Franzen 2 Who directed the film? Terrence Young Lewis Gilbert Peter R. Hunt Guy Hamilton 3 Who plays James Bond? Pierce Brosnan Sean Connery Roger Moore Cary Grant 4 How many James Bond films had there been before Goldfinger? 0 1 3 2 5 Who directed the previous two films? Lewis Gilbert Terrence Young Guy Hamilton Alfred Hitchcock 6 Where does the film start? Northwestern America Texas Canada Latin America 7 What is Bond dismantling in the sequence before the credits? An atomic weapon A heroin operation A bank robbery The mafia 8 What kind of animal does Bond wear on his head when he first appears? Squirrel Fox Turtle Seagull 9 How does Bond know that someone is coming towards him when he is kissing the woman? He sees it in the mirror He hears the man's breathing The woman screams He sees it in the reflection in the woman's eyes 10 How does he kill his assailant in Latin America? By electrocuting him in the tub Pushing him off a cliff Shooting him Strangling him 11 Where does Bond go after the Latin American mission? Puerto Rico Miami London New York 12 Who wrote the score? Monty Norman Shirley Bassey John Williams John Barry 13 Who sings the opening theme song? Judy Garland Shirley Bassey Adele Dinah Washington 14 For what did the film win an Academy Award? Actor Sound Effects Editing Cinematography Original Song 15 In what year was the film released? 1960 1964 1962 1955 16 Who is giving Bond a massage in Miami? Pussy Galore Jill Dink Tilly 17 Who tells Bond he has to work on the Goldfinger case? Q. Oddjob M. Felix 18 Who plays Felix? Cec Linder Austin Willis Sean Connery Martin Benson 19 What is Bond's number? 007 006 010 008 20 Who plays Goldfinger? James Mason Harold Sakata Desmond Llewelyn Gert Frobe 21 What game do Goldfinger and Simmons play? Gin rummy Crazy Eights Hearts Poker 22 How does Bond get into Goldfinger's room? He picks the lock He steals the key from the front desk He knocks He charms the maid 23 Who is helping Goldfinger cheat at cards? Pussy Galore Tilly Masterson Jill Masterson Oddjob 24 Who plays Jill Masterson? Tania Mallet Twiggy Shirley Eaton Honor Blackman 25 What does Bond go to get post coitus with Jill? His diary A cigarette A bottle of champagne A chocolate covered strawberry