Hope Leslie Characters

Hope Leslie Character List

William Fletcher

The early protagonist whose family grows by two when his cousin (with whom he was in love) dies, leaving her two kids in his care. He raises the two daughters as his own, alongside his son Everell.


This is Fletcher's cousin. She was in love with Fletcher for a long time, but when the two ran away together, they were caught and separated by their parents because of the parents' own religious disagreement. She marries another man instead, but they both die, leaving their children in Fletcher's care.


This daughter is the titular character. Hope and Faith added a lot of work to the Fletcher household, so they have Native American servants to help them. Hope and her sister travel with Fletcher to the coast, and Fletcher keeps her around because Hope's face and personality remind him of Alice.


Hope's sister is Faith, another theologically named character whose life changes drastically when she is kidnapped by natives during a Pequod raid. Mononotto takes her as a young bride to his son Oneco. Later, when Hope visits, they cannot even talk without a translator—that's how drastically her environment changed her upbringing, she doesn't even remember the English language.


This young man ends up on the wrong side of a Native American blood feud. When Mononotto takes his life as recompense for the wrongful killing of his son, the moon shines on Everells face, but when Mononotto swings his blade, Magawisca interferes.


This servant to the Fletchers actually loves the children dearly, and she never intended to allow Faith to be captured, and she certainly doesn't want to see Everell sacrifices to the gods, so she intervenes, sacrificing her own health and well-being for him to escape. She later serves as a translator.


This historical character is a Pequod chief living in the post-apocalypse of his culture. He views the settlers as criminals who murdered his son, and he plagues them with constant terrorist attacks on their village. In one of these raids, he murders Fletcher's wife, but Fletcher gets over it in a couple of weeks.


Mononotto's last surviving son is Oneco, Faith's husband who helps raise her to be like the Natives. Oneco will likely take over the tribe as chief, but he is aware that their forces are weakening under the growing British occupation.


This well-meaning Native is so open-minded that when a settler comes to her for medical help, she actually provides him with one of her family's remedies, and he is healed. Nelema is then tried for witchcraft.


Antonio believes that Hope is a religious saint when he finds her in duress, and his religious conviction provides her safe passage back to home.

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