I Am Legend Glossary

I Am Legend Glossary

Alpha Male

The dominant male in a group

Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)

Visual effects created using computers


The state of a species or group of something no longer existing


Related to a throat sound that is rough and unpleasant


A place in which people are clumped together and busily occupied


The ability of an organism to resist a particular disease


A small shelter for a dog or cat


A contagious disease characterized by its widespread effect and exceptionally nasty symptoms


A place of isolation in which organisms that have been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed


Prejudice or discrimination directed towards someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior to another race


Any of a group of RNA viruses that insert a DNA copy of their genome into the host cell in order to replicate. For example, HIV is a retrovirus

Snare Trap

A trap for catching birds, animals, or rarely, humans


Showing courage, determination, and heroism


Someone who studies viruses and disease

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