I, Robot

I, Robot Analysis

The primary goal of the human race can arguably be understood as not only technological advancement, but also scientific discovery regarding humans and the natural world. A fundamental ideal within the realm of discovering science is that of a truthful state of nature, rather than uncredited fantasy or fallacies pertaining to supernatural factors. In I, Robot: Robots and Empire, a novel written by Isaac Asimov, this particular goal assumes a major role that implements thematic elements of the laws of robotics, and morality issues that could potentially lead to an increasing reliance on technology, thus eventually becoming detrimental to our current society’s way of living.

An individual can be portrayed as a hero through outside acknowledgment of notable achievements. In Asimov’s novel, the protagonist is Susan Calvin, a hero due to her groundbreaking contributions in the fields of science and robotics. The setting of the novel takes course over several decades in the future 2000s. Dr. Calvin is a robopsychologist who uses a plethora of various methods to logically solve present problems in which her mathematician and scientist peers were unable to accomplish. Through a plethora of experimental adventures, Dr. Calvin reveals an intelligent persona to the reader in terms of the field of robotics.

As a result, the author likely wrote this novel to emphasize the detriments of human inactivity among other planets, the limitations of resources, and the importance of scientific communication to ensure the ultimate safety and utmost value of individuals seeking to provide advancements for other humans.

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