1 Who wrote If I Ran the Zoo? Jonathan Swift Dr. Seuss Gerald McGrew John Quincy Adams 2 Who narrates the majority of If I Ran the Zoo? Gerald's mother The adult zookeeper Gerald McGrew An unnamed first-person narrator 3 Who illustrated If I Ran the Zoo? Dr. Seuss AI Technology Illustrator unknown Gerald McGrew 4 In what year was If I Ran the Zoo first published? 2000 2001 1950 2021 5 What real animal is lying in the cage when Gerald arrives at the zoo? Lion Cat Deer Dog 6 Who is the story's protagonist? Gerald There is no protagonist The adult zookeeper The ten-footed lion 7 In what meter is the book writtten? Anapestic tetrameter Anapestic pentameter Iambic tetrameter Iambic pentameter 8 Which answer is not a major theme? Public Recognition Imagination True Love Global Conquest 9 What is Gerald's first impression of the zoo? It's mind-numbingly boring It's pretty good It's awful It's fantastic 10 How does the zookeeper seem to Gerald at the beginning? Lazy Proud Depressed Hopeless 11 What does Gerald call his imagined zoo? Zazoo Zoo Kablue Zoo McGrew Zoo Razzaloo Zoo 12 Which animal does Gerald first imagine? An elephant with two trunks A dog who never barks Ten-footed lion Eight-footed cat 13 Which color is not used in the illustrations? Green Blue Red Yellow 14 What hybrid animal does Gerald conjure up? Scorpion-toad Dog-cat Elephant-cat Lizard-bird 15 What does Gerald drive in the North Pole? Seadoo Skeegle-mobile Skidoo Dogsled 16 What do the Bustard and Flustard eat? Custard and mustard Buttons and thread Small wingless flies Grass and rasberries 17 What is on the flags that Gerald flies above his vehicles and ships? McGrew GG A crucifix McG. 18 What creatures does Gerald want to catch in Nantucket? Chipmunks Hunks Skunks Lunks 19 Why can't Gerald's deer recognize their own antlers? They are entangled with their family members' anters No reason They are blind They can't look on top of their heads 20 What animal lives in North Dakota? Cacota Smota Babota Iota 21 On what continent is Yerka, according to the book? Africa Asia Antarctica Australia 22 What animal has X and O on its stomach? Zheesha Zsho Spinner bug Eeny-Meeny-Miney-Moo Tick-Tack-Toe 23 Which humans in the book does Gerald say he doesn't know the names of? The inhabitants of Yerka The Persian princes The Zind chieftains None of these 24 What red-and-blue creature does Gerald want to catch? Russian Palooski Zizanell Nerd Obsk 25 How does the story end? With Gerald locked up in one of his own cages With Gerald standing in the same place as the beginning With Gerald in the mouth of the Wizza-ma Fizza-ma Dill With Gerald grown up, running his own zoo