Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Quotes


You lost today, kid. But that doesn't mean you have to like it.

Fedora (to Indy)

This line foreshadows what Indy will do next in the film. In specific: it foreshadows Indy’s later encounter with the man in the Fedora as the two wrestle over a precious artifact - an artifact which the two desperately want.

But the line is also important in Indy’s development. It developed a dogged perseverance in Indy from a young age, which helped him tremendously throughout his career.

I'm like a bad penny, I always turn up.

Indiana Jones

This is Indy’s life motto: no matter the situation and no matter the challenges he faces, he will always show up to a situation in which he is needed. He is relentless in his dogged pursuit for what he wants or what is in the best interests of other people - particularly people who he considers to be family.

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