- David Foster Wallace. Infinite Jest. New York, NY: Back Bay Books, 2009.
- Erin McKean. New Oxford American Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Wallace, David Foster, E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction, Review of
Contemporary Fiction, 13:2 (1993:Summer) p.151 -
Foster Wallace, David. “Laughing with Kafka.” Harper's July. 1998: 23-27. Print.
- David Foster Wallace. "The String Theory." Esquire. September 17, 2008. 8/12/2020. <https://www.esquire.com/sports/a5151/the-string-theory-david-foster-wallace/>.
- Adam Kelly. "The Map and the Territory: Infinite Boston." The Millions. April 13, 2013. 8/28/2020. <https://themillions.com/2013/08/the-map-and-the-territory-infinite-boston.html>.
- Hermione Hoby. "David Means: ‘You can’t take a story and just stretch it out – that does not a novel make’ ." The Guardian. May 30, 2016. 9/2/20. <https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/may/30/david-means-you-cant-take-a-short-story-stretch-it-out-that-does-not-a-novel-make>.