Invisible Monsters is a 1999 novel written by Chuck Palahniuk, the author of the cult-classic Fight Club. It centers around a woman who, after a car-crash permanently disfigures her face, ending her modeling career, must forge a new life.
The narrator of Invisible Monsters is a young woman who goes by multiple names. After her face is horribly disfigured in a car crash, bringing an abrupt end to her modeling career, she meets a trans woman named Brandy during her speech therapy lessons. Brandy attempts to help the narrator make a new life, gifting her various identities to help her. The novel then spirals, with rampant memories and thoughts in psychological disorganization. The end product is a raw account of one woman's journey through physical grotesqueity.
Invisible Monsters enjoyed critical as well as popular success. In 2012, a new edition was published, entitled Invisible Monsters Remix. The new edition contains new chapters and a new ending.