A modern adaption of "Jenny"
Daniel Mallory Ortberg at The Toast wrote a modern version of "Jenny" that includes the lines "Oh my God, Jenny, you’re such a mystery / You like money and making out both, which is wild. / Just straight-up nuts."
Click here to read "A Castaway" by Augusta Webster
Like "Jenny," "A Castaway" was written in the Victorian period and is also a poem about a prostitute. Click on the link to read it, and turn to the "Other" section of this guide for a short description.
Prostitution in the Victorian period
Click here to read more about prostitution in the Victorian period.
Wikipedia entry for Thomas Hardy's "The Ruined Maid"
Click here to read a short description of Thomas Hardy's "The Ruined Maid" as well as read the poem text. Turn to the "Other" description of this guide for a short analysis of Victorian poems that touch on prostitution.