La Strada Cast List

La Strada Cast List

Anthony Quinn

Anthony Quinn is one of two American actors in Fellini's film. Quinn began in the theatre and had appeared in over 60 films before the role in La Strada. Quinn was apart of the original broadway production of A Streetcar Named Desire, replacing Marlon Brando in 1948. Quinn was nominated for 4 Oscars, winning 2 for his roles in Lust for Life and Viva Zapata!.

Giulietta Masina

Giulietta Masina was the wife of Federico Fellini. She was sometimes called the female Chaplin as her ability to perform in a clowning style was her forte. She began in the theatre and on her first radio job she met Fellini, who had written the piece. They were married the same year (1943) and remained together until his death in 1993. She won best actress at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in Nights of Cabriria.

Richard Basehart

Basehart, along with Quinn were the two Americans in Fellini's La Strada. Basehart's character represents a distinctive difference to Gelsomina's clown as he is more selfish. Basehart wuold become well known for his television role in Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea in the 1960s. He is also the narrator for the television series Knight Rider in the 1980s.

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