1 What is the speaker's point of view? third-person from the perspective of someone living in poverty first-person from the perspective of someone observing a living space third-person from the perspective of someone observing a living space first-person from the perspective of someone living in poverty 2 Besides the structure of the building, what else is the speaker criticizing in the first lines of the poem? The ability of the inhabitants to build The structure of poverty The lack of access to water The issue of food waste 3 Where did Dharker state that the poem refers to? The slums of Scotland The slums of Lahore The slums of Mumbai The slums of Dubai 4 Where does the poem state that it takes place? The slums of Mumbai The slums of Dubai The slums of Scotland Unspecified 5 What is the effect of the poem's setting? The setting is Lahore, which grants the reader knowledge about where the poet was born The lack of specificity makes the poem applicable to anywhere in the world The setting is Scotland, which grants the reader knowledge about where the poet grew up There is no effect made by the setting 6 What is the problem outlined by the speaker in the first two lines? Nails clutch at open seams There are not enough straight lines The whole structure leans dangerously The eggs hang out over the dark edge of a slanted universe 7 Describe the poem's stanzas. There are three stanzas that vary in length There are four quatrains There are four stanzas that vary in length There are three quatrains 8 What is the form of the poem? Iambic pentameter Blank verse Free verse Sonnet 9 Which of the following is a simile? "The whole structure leans dangerously / Towards the miraculous." "Gathering the light / Into themselves," "Into this rough frame, / Someone has squeezed / A living space" "As if they were / The bright, thin walls of faith" 10 Which is an example of alliteration? “or parallel. Beams / balance crookedly on supports” "The whole structure leans dangerously / Towards the miraculous." "As if they were / The bright, thin walls of faith" "Gathering the light / Into themselves," 11 What is alliteration? repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables repetition of usually final consonant sounds in five or more neighboring words or syllables repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in five or more neighboring words or syllables repetition of usually final consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables 12 What is the tone of the poem? Joyful, Reflective Assertive, Pessimistic Critical, Hopeful Acerbic, Ironic 13 Which is an example of personification? Beams / Balance crookedly on supports Nails clutch at open seams. Gathering the light / Into themselves, Someone has squeezed / A living space 14 What is personification? the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables a technique that involves non-human things displaying literal human traits and being capable of human behavior a comparison of two things that are not the same 15 Who or what is the protagonist? The people who are determined to create a living space despite difficult circumstances The speaker Dharker The reader 16 Who or what is the antagonist? The mayor The structure of poverty. The building The poet 17 What is the poem's major conflict? The major conflict of the poem is that the eggs could crack. The major conflict of the poem is that people have no choice but to live in dangerous living conditions. The major conflict of the poem is that the eggs crack. The major conflict of the poem is that the building falls down. 18 What does "parallel" mean? lines that cross side by side and having an uneven distance continuously between them side by side and having the same distance continuously between them lines that interact 19 What does "slanted" mean? parallel sloping or leaning in a particular direction straight bent 20 Which line best exhibits the architectural eye of the speaker? "There are just not enough / Straight lines," "These eggs in a wire basket" "Gathering the light / Into themselves," "That / Is the problem" 21 How does the poet show the resilience of the building's inhabitants? By showing them cook eggs. By showing what they do to rebuild their lives after the monsoon season. By showing them building the house. By using the building itself and the eggs as metaphors. The inhabitants are evoked in absence. 22 What does the word "dared" imply? Hope Courage and audacity Resilience Troublemaking 23 Which stanza is the shortest? The middle one in order to reflect how the inhabitants squeeze life into the space The final one to show the pressure that the inhabitants are under The middle one to reflect how the building could fall down They are all the same length 24 Who gathers the light into themselves in the poem? The eggs The building The speaker The inhabitants 25 What are eggs compared to? Through a simile, they represent the inhabitants. Symbolically, they are compared to a house of faith. Through a metaphor, they represent the inhabitants. Symbolically, they are compared to a house of faith. Through a simile, they are compared to a house of faith. Symbolically, they represent the inhabitants. Through a metaphor, they are compared to a house of faith. Symbolically, they represent the inhabitants.