Lizet elucidates, “Nurses plugged antibiotic filled sacks into my arms, the hope being that intravenous administration would keep the various organisms that’d bombarded my body from calling it home for too long.” The allegorical home denotes Lizet’s body which would be colonized by the infectious organisms in the absence of robust, effective antibiotics.
Lizet recalls, “It wasn’t hard to do so well as I had at my high school. Our teachers ranged from the passionate( our saviours: those who’d started off as Teach for America recruits and stuck around long past their obligatory two years).” The allegorical savior accentuates the educators’ inclination to aid the students in their scholastic undertaking. Their zeal is contributing to Lizet’s noteworthy accomplishment.
Lizet tells her father, “The professors-our teachers? They’re like obsessed people about their subjects. They are crazy.” The figurative obsession accentuates the zeal which the professors exhibit with regard to their specialty areas. Professors anticipate their students to perform exemplarily in their units.