
Memento Glossary

Distort (verb)

to give a misleading account of something.

Pocahontas (proper noun)

A Native American woman who was integral in the colonial settlement in Jamestown, Virginia.

Memento (noun)

A object used to help remember an event in the past.

Quack (noun)

A person who dishonestly claims to have expertise in a field.

Prick (noun)

A derogatory term for a stupid or contemptible person.

Anterograde amnesia (noun)

The inability to create new memories.

Polaroid (noun)

a type of camera with internal processing that produces a finished print rapidly after each exposure.

motel (noun)

a roadside hotel designed primarily for motorists, typically having the rooms arranged in a low building with parking directly outside.

astray (adverb)

into error or morally questionable behavior.

insurance investigator (noun)

Someone who examines insurance claims that are suspicious or otherwise in doubt.

hippocampus (noun)

the elongated ridges on the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain, thought to be the center of emotion, memory, and the autonomic nervous system.

amorous (adjective)

relating to love or sexual desire.

Jaguar (noun)

A British luxury car.

vegetable (noun)

colloquially, a person who is incapable of normal mental or physical activity, especially because of brain damage.

schmuck (noun)

informal term for a contemptible person.

Annie Leibovitz (proper noun)

American portrait photographer.

retard (noun)

derogatory term for someone with a mental disability.

sap (noun)

A bludgeon or a club.

poetic justice (noun)

the fact of experiencing a fitting or deserved retribution for one's actions.

stash (noun)

a quantity of an illegal drug, especially one kept for personal use.

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