Michael Robartes and the Dancer Summary

Michael Robartes and the Dancer Summary

Michael Robartes and the Dancer

The poem is the first one in the collection and is composed as being a conversation between two characters, a man and a woman referred here as He and She. Between the two rises an argument, the woman claiming she wants to go and get an education just like her male counterpart and the man claiming there is no need for a woman to get an education since she has beauty to guide her and to assure she will be taken care of. The last of the poem ends with the woman claiming that no matter what society will tell her, she will continue to pursue an education.

Solomon and the Witch

In this poem the narrator pinpoints the moment when men and women stopped working against one another and rather became focused on a common goal. The narrator claims men and women became divided after Eve and Adam were thrown out from Paradise. From that point on, an unseen enemy attacked love and those who tried to fight for it. The woman in this poem pleads with the man named Solomon to not give up on their love but rather to try and work on their relationship.

An Image from a Past Life

This poem is again constructed as a dialogue between the woman and the man. The latter tries to convince the woman the present is far more important than the past and they should focus on being as happy as possible. The woman refuses to accept this, unable to forget a betrayal from the past. Why the narrator does not explain why the woman is unable to forget the past, it is implied her partner cheated in her.

Under Saturn

The poem is a meditative one, in which the narrator, sitting under the night sky thinks about the woman who left him. The disappearance of the woman changed the man completely and left him unable to continue living a happy and normal life. Despite the pain he has to suffer, the narrator refuses to move on, claiming the pain helps him grow and enriches his life.

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