
Nadja Analysis

Nadja is a book that was published in the middle of the surrealist movement in France, and is therefore an important part of both the definition and the historical period of surrealism. It focuses heavily on many if the questions the movement underlined, as well as their beliefs and hopes.

The beginning of the book is a short, concise yet meaningful one in the story; "Who am I?" Here, André gets the chance to explain and explore his own beliefs and how they are applicable to his daily life as an artist, poet and writer. This is what the book focuses on in the first part, before Nadja is ever introduced as a character.

However, Nadja herself is often used to explain the themes and the meaning behind the book. Through the book, she tells the story of her life, and pictures of her art is attached to the storyline as well. Beauty being in nature is also one of the most important philosophies in the surrealist movement, which is why the last sentence in the book concludes how he believes beauty works and what it truly is.

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