Based on the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go is a dystopian movie released by Fox Searchlight Pictures and directed by Mark Romanek. The movie was released on 03 September 2010 at the Telluride Film Festival; in terms of genre, the film carries many futuristic elements, as well as underlying genres of history and romance.
The movie revolves around the life of Kathy, an organ donor, who seeks to break free from the confines of her fate. However, this proves to be more complex than expected and so she resigns herself to the role of a carer, looking after others who are in the same position. The focus is also on her friendship with Ruth and romantic feelings for Tommy, both also organ donors.
The film was limitedly released, and though it was well received, with a 71% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, is underperformed at box office. Despite the low publicity, this film holds many key Hollywood actors in the leading roles, with Kiera Knightley playing the role of Ruth and Andrew Garfield as Tommy.