News from Nowhere

News from Nowhere Character List

William "Guest"

William is the main character of News from Nowhere who believes that he travels forward in time to experience England in the 21st century (though it is revealed in the final chapter of the book that he was merely dreaming). He is a member of the Socialist League who dislikes much about the 19th century, especially the ugly architecture he sees in his hometown of Hammersmith. He is baffled but intrigued by much of what he sees in the 21st century, such as the lack of formal education and criminal systems.

Richard "Dick" Hammond

Dick is the first person William meets in the 21st century. He tells William about the way England's society works in the future, but does not know much about how it came to be the way it is. He enjoys working with his body doing jobs such as rowing boats and harvesting. He invites William to visit his great-great-grandfather, who he knows will be interested in speaking with William about his country's culture, and takes him to visit friends up the Thames for the harvest.


Clara was once the lover of Dick; they were separated but reconcile in Chapter 9.


A vivacious woman to whom William Guest takes a particular liking. She is very happy and healthy due to living in the utopian socialist society, but takes an interest in Guest's experience living in England when it was capitalist.

Ellen's Grandfather

A grouchy old man who is not as impressed by the utopian socialist society as others. He allows Dick, Clara, and Guest to stay at his house for a night and has a long discussion with them in which he repeatedly says, "You like that, do you?" (156).

Walter Allen

A friend of Dick's whom Clara, Dick, and Guest meet while traveling by boat to participate in the harvest. He worries about a man from his village who killed the lover of his love interest.

Mistress Philippea

She is an artist and part of the "Obstinate Refusers" who do not take part in the harvest,. Dick, Clara, and Guest visit her and watch as she carves.

Henry Morsom

He is an old man who houses Dick, Clara, and Guest for a night and then continues on in their boat for a while.

Old Hammond

He is Dick's great-great-grandfather who knows a lot about how England's society changed from the 19th to 21st century. He lives in the British Museum in Bloomsbury and has multiple long discussions in which he answers any questions that William has.


He is a friend of Dick's from Hammersmith.


She is a young woman who works at the Guest House in Hammersmith.

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