Teacher Guide

Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America Lesson Plan

Study Objectives

If all of the elements of this lesson plan are employed, students will develop the following powers, skills, and understanding:

  1. 1

    Students will be able to analyze the sociological and cultural framing for Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America.

  2. 2

    Students will be able to understand the important events and turning points in Barbara Ehrenreich's experiences in the book, as well as those of the other important individuals in the book.

  3. 3

    Students will be able to understand the elements of Ehrenreich's life and experiences that have shaped her worldview and writings.

  4. 4

    Students will be able to analyze and discuss, both individually and as a class, the notable ideas and...

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