Nightwood Summary

Nightwood Summary

Nightwood chronicles Robin Vote's disillusioned journey in search of her ideas of romance and mystique. The novel begins in Europe with Robin meeting the false Baron, Felix Volkbien, who is introduced to her by Dr. Matthew O'Connor. Felix who is pretending to be a Baron, hiding his true Jewish identity, seeks Robin's hand in marriage. Felix wants to maintain the old ideals of Europe and continue the ancient traditions of European nobility, to this end he wants to marry Robin to secure his own position and validate his family name. After Robin and Felix's disabled son Guido is born Robin realizes that this is not the life she wants to live. Felix is distraught and seeks the counsel of Dr. O'Connor who tells him that he must now focus all his attentions on Guido and help him enter the church.

Robin leaves Felix and Guido and moves away to America where she meets and falls in love with Nora Flood and the two move to Paris. The pair are not happy for long however, Robin's whimsical nature causes strains in their relationship. Robin is taken by the romantic ideas of anonymity and love, indulging in torrid affairs with strangers, leaving Nora at home waiting for her. On one such night a four-time widow, Jenny Petherbridge, captures Robin's fancy. Jenny finds happiness in stealing the happiness of others and is determined to steal Robin from Nora. A distressed Nora seeks, like Felix before, the counsel of Dr. O'Connor.

Robin realizes that her relationship with Jenny is just as fruitless and purposeless as her other affairs. She wanders through the nights, lost and unhappy again. Felix, on the other hand, finally manages to get over Robin and turns all his attentions to his son, Guido. Nora too moves on and finds a new life without Robin.

Years later both Robin and Nora find themselves back in America. One night while camping in the woods Nora sees Robin in an abandoned church kneeling before the alter. Nora enters the church and falls, unconscious. Robin plays with Nora's dog who ambled into the church and eventually falls asleep, at which the novel ends.

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