1 When was the poem published? 1841 1818 1846 1891 2 What is the poem's central theme? Power Love Faith War 3 What kind of stanzas is the poem made up of? Quatrains Sestets Octaves Couplets 4 Which of the following lines contains alliteration? "Changes, sustains, dissolves, creates and rears" "Though earth and moon were gone" "Worthless as withered weeds" "To waken doubt in one" 5 What best characterizes the tone of the poem? Tepid Enraged Cold Fervent 6 Who does the speaker explicitly critique? People with other beliefs Bishops Knights Kings 7 What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? Free verse ABBA ABCB ABAB 8 Who wrote "Pied Beauty"? Emily Brontë Gerard Manley Hopkins Christina Rossetti Jane Austen 9 What is the genre of the poem? Religious poetry Pastoral poetry Erasure poetry Love sonnet 10 What image does the speaker use to describe lesser beliefs? "Wilted flowers" "Dead shrubs" "Bare branches" "Withered weeds" 11 Who wrote "De Profundis"? Emily Dickinson Charlotte Brontë Robert Browning Christina Rossetti 12 How does the speaker portray God? As just As omnipotent As human As wrathful 13 Which of the following is not an image in the poem? Weeds A stream A rock An elm tree 14 What does the speaker mean in the line "And Faith shines equal arming me from Fear"? That her faith instills strength and power in her That her faith gives her literal armor The she is afraid of the dark That she is compelled to dramatic action 15 Which of the following is NOT a theme in the poem? Doubt Family Eternity Faith 16 What does the "steadfast rock" symbolize in the poem? The speaker's unchanging routine The immortality of God The wrath of God The speaker's sermonizing 17 What does the list of verbs in the fifth stanza mean? That God does a specific set of tasks every day That God is present everywhere That the speaker knows a lot of verbs That the speaker can literally see God 18 What is the meaning of the word "creed" in the poem? Opinion Religious belief Line of poetry Newspaper column 19 What is the meaning of the word "steadfast" in the poem? Steady Quick Uncertain Unshakeable 20 How long is the poem? Five stanzas Two stanzas Seven stanzas Fourteen stanzas 21 What was the name of the collection this poem was published in? Poems of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell Poems of Charlotte, Anne and Emily Brontë The Collected Works of the Brontë Sisters Poems 22 What novel was Brontë well-known for writing? Wuthering Heights Persuasion Agnes Grey Jane Eyre 23 What were Emily Brontë's sisters' names? Charlotte and Anne Jane and Sylvia Elizabeth and Mary Lydia and Rose 24 What is the climax of the poem? A description of God's omnipotence The speaker's criticism of people who don't share her faith A portrayal of a miracle The speaker's declaration of faith 25 Who is the protagonist of the poem? A pastor An angel The speaker Emily Brontë