Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men Sources and ClassicNote Author

  • Jackson J. Benson. The Short Novels of John Steinbeck. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1990.
  • Harold Bloom. Of Mice and Men: Bloom's Notes. New York: Chelsea House, 1996.
  • Charlotte Hadella. Of Mice and Men: A Kinship of Powerlessness. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995.
  • John Steinbeck. Of Mice and Men. New York: Bantam Books, 1965.
  • Susan Shillinglaw. "John Steinbeck, American Writer." 2008-08-21. <http://www.steinbeck.sjsu.edu/biography/briefbiography.jsp>.
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