Old Yeller Summary

Old Yeller Summary

Old Yeller is a beloved children's book about the love between a boy and his dog. The story begins by introducing a boy called Travis Coates, who works hard on his family ranch to look after his mother and brother. His father is away from the family home working, which gives his oldest son some extra responsibility.

One day, a shabby dog turns up at the ranch. Although they don't want to, the family allows the dog to live with them, naming it "Old Yeller." They choose to call it this due to his yellow color and the fact his bark sounds like he is yelling.

Travis is not a fan of Old Yeller to begin with but as the story progresses he comes to love the dog. Old Yeller helps the family a number of times, including saving his younger brother from a bear. Eventually Travis and Old Yeller are inseparable, until one day Old Yeller's previous owner comes to claim him.

After some negotiation, it is decided that the family can keep Old Yeller. However, tragedy soon follows as Old Yeller is attacked by a rabid wolf. Knowing that the dog will surely fall ill, Travis makes the difficult decision to kill him. This devastates Travis, but he realizes it is something he must do to protect his family.

The story ends on a somewhat melancholy note, as it is revealed that Old Yeller had puppies with a nearby dog. As such, Travis is given one of the puppies which helps him come to terms with Old Yeller's death.

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