1 "Much have I travell'd in the realms of ________" gold treasure royalty silver 2 George Chapman was NOT known for writing _________ novels translations poems plays 3 "On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer" is what kind of poem? a quatrain a sestina a series of heroic couplets a sonnet 4 Which line is best identified as the poem's volta? "Silent, upon a peak in Darien." "Yet did I never breathe its pure serene" "Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold:" "Then I felt like some watcher of the skies" 5 Keats is associated with which literary era? Romanticism Gothic Victorian Elizabethean 6 Apollo is the Greek god of ______ poetry love death war 7 A Petrarchan sonnet's structure traditionally comprises _____ seven couplets fourteen blank verse lines an octave and a sestet four quatrains and a couplet 8 In line 3, "in fealty to" means to be loyal to in fear of to be in debt to in the service of 9 Cortez is ______ a king an explorer a poet an astronomer 10 In line 10, the meaning of "ken" is closest to knowledge orbit lens sight 11 Homer's epics were originally composed in what language? Italian Latin English Greek 12 Which is NOT a theme of the poem? discovery love imagination vision 13 Which of Keats' friends introduced him to Chapman's translations? Fanny Brawne Joseph Severn Charles Clowden Clarke Percy Shelley 14 Chapman speaks "out loud and ______" bold proud meek softly 15 Keats had probably read which poet's translation of Homer before encountering Chapman? Percy Shelley Ben Jonson Alexander Pope Samuel Johnson 16 Cortez was known for exploring which area of the "New World?" the West Indies Central America New England Canada 17 In addition to Homer, Keats was most influenced by which poet in his own attempts at epic poetry? John Milton Ben Jonson William Wordsworth Samuel Taylor Coleridge 18 Before resolving to write poetry, Keats trained to become ______ a teacher a ship captain a debt collector a doctor 19 Which feature of sonnets best characterizes the genre? iambic pentameter the poem's length the volta the rhyme scheme 20 Which word would NOT be used to describe the poem's speaker? imaginative ambitious complacent awestruck 21 Which action does NOT reoccur in the poem? seeing watching swimming hearing 22 Which of Keats well-known poems was the young poet's unfinished epic? Endymion Hyperion Eve of St. Agnes To Autumn 23 Keats frequently turned to _________ for inspiration Greek myth the sublime English history his literary friends 24 The poem ends with _____ celebration silence war defeat 25 Where are Cortez's men at the end of the poem? at sea a mountain's peak in a village in the city