Oresteia Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the role of Apollo in the tragedy?

    As a whole, this tragedy deals with the theme of violence. However, one of the central figures who perpetuates this violence in the name of honour and duty is Apollo. Apollo is the greek Sun god. He plays a seminal role in this tragedy. He acts as the conscience of Orestes and reminds him about his sense of duty when he is in doubt. He also attempts to save Orestes and hence becomes one of the most significant characters in the plot. The words of Apollo serve as a reminder to Orestes and it is through his words that Apollo's presence is sustained in the tragedy.

  2. 2

    How does the theme of Good vs Evil play out in the narrative?

    Perhaps the most potent theme in this tragedy is that of Good vs Evil. Oresteia is a cautionary tale abut the nature of good and evil. It shows the nuances of the two and the fact that there is no absolute contrast between the two. In this work, there is a sense of moral ambiguity and there is no clear delineation of good or evil. This complex nature of good and evil is explored in the tragedy. The characters in this tale are simply "hostage to misfortune", and there is no inherent evil that exists within them.

  3. 3

    Explain the nature of inheritance in Oresteia.

    This tragedy delineates a complex idea of inheritance. No one chooses what they inherit. Orestes inherits the legacy of blood crimes which is a character of the House of Atticus. He is thus destined to avenge is father. This inheritance is quite obvious and his mother hence sends him away to foil any future resistance. However, what he has inherited does come back to him as he is bound by a sense of duty.

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