Our Nig: Or, Sketches From the Life of a Free Black Quotes


Which you rather have, a black heart in a white skin, or a white heart in a black one?


When Jim proposed to Mag, these were the words he said her. Yes, he was from a disadvantaged ethnic group, but he cared for poor Mag and wished her nothing but good, he was sure he deserved to be loved, and was good for him. His heart was filled with love to her and it made it white. While white people hated Mag, they thought her disgraceful, and their hearts filled with this hatred made them black.

Want is a more powerful philosopher and preacher.


Mag was left by her people, and nobody ever cared whether she was dead or alive. She still hoped that her people – white people – would care of her once more in the future, but her life became more and more miserable. She had little to eat, nothing to warm her home with. Jim, a black man who was her neighbor, cared for Mag the most of the rest, and one day asked her to marry him. She agreed as want is a more powerful philosopher and preacher. With this marriage she descended even lower in the eyes of white people, as such amalgamations were considered as evils at the times. But she was warm, fed and there was a person who did care for her. this was more important for poor Mag.

You have not treated her, mother, so as to gain her love; she is only exhibiting your remissness in this matter


James saw how unfair and cruel his mother was towards Frado, but there was little he could do to change it. At least he tried, and always told his mother that she should not beat or whip Frado, the girl is doing so much work about the house. the mother very often complained James concerning Frado’s behavior, but James was a kind-hearted person, and answered that the mother gained not to be loved, as she herself never showed love to Frado.

It was characteristic of Mrs. B. never to rise in her majesty, unless she was sure she should be victorious.


The words prove how malicious and unfair Mrs. Bellmont was. At the same time she was extremely cowardly, as she never dared to whip Frado when she knew she would not succeed. All the whippings were done secretly from the other members of the family, with no witnesses.

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