
Paradise Irony

Deek and Steward looking most identical after they have stopped agreeing with each other (situational irony)

It is ironic that at the point in life when Deek and Steward finally individuate and express clashing opinions (over the death of Connie and the events at the Convent in general) that the physical difference between them would disappear.

That Mavis’ husband would buy a Cadillac when they are extremely poor (situational irony)

It is ironic that Mavis drives a car emblematic of luxury when her family lacks money to purchase many basic amenities. This ironic situation draws the ire of her neighbors.

The Convent being a former embezzler’s mansion (situational irony)

The fact that the mansion that houses the Convent was built as a hedonistic playground by a wealthy embezzler creates a striking contrast when the house then becomes a school run by nuns. The nuns attempt to remove the evidence of the house’s earlier life, but are unsuccessful in totally effacing its history.

Billie Delia being a virgin while Arnette is promiscuous (situational irony)

That Billie Delia is widely disdained in town for being promiscuous is ironic, as not only has she never had sexual relations, but her best friend Arnette has.

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