Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman Quotes and Analysis

Edward: So what happens after he climbs up and rescues her?

Vivian: She rescues him right back.

Edward and Vivian

A quote from the end of the movie, Vivian’s response sums up the modern take that the movie puts on the "Cinderella story." While Vivian narrated her childhood fantasy as that of a damsel in distress who needs saving by a handsome prince, she now puts a more empowered spin on her own rescue. She suggests that she will rescue Edward just as much as he is rescuing her. Having already rejected Edward’s previous offer, Vivian is ready to educate herself independently. Edward has already rescued her, by making her realize her own potential.

This quote also marks the beginning of Edward's transformation. Having previously branded Vivian’s wish for the "fairytale ending" as the sign of an "impossible relationship" and something he could not give her, he now seeks to right that statement by giving her the fairytale ending that he thought was impossible. By pushing aside his fear of heights, and climbing Vivian’s "tower," he shows her that he is also willing to change.

Salesgirl: Hello, can I help you?

Vivian: I was in here yesterday, you wouldn't wait on me.

Salesgirl: Oh.

Vivian: You people work on commission, right?'

Salesgirl: Yeah.

Vivian: Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now.

Exchange between a Shop Assistant and Vivian on Rodeo Drive

This is an iconic quote from the movie. The previous day, Vivian visited the same shop on Rodeo Drive, but was denied by the clientele for looking like a prostitute. Despite Vivian being polite to them, they refused her based on appearances. This moment signals a triumph for Vivian, as she returns beautifully dressed and carrying many shopping bags. She gets revenge on the snobby salesgirl by showing her that she upset a potentially valuable customer. The quote also shows how money influences people's perceptions. In new clothes, Vivian is virtually unrecognizable to the salesgirl, who made snap judgments about her based on appearance.

Woman at the Opera: Did you like the opera, dear?

Vivian: It was so good, I almost peed my pants!

Edward: She said she liked it better than Pirates of Penzance.

Vivian, an Old Woman at the Opera, and Edward

This humorous quote comes from Vivian and Edward’s date to the opera in San Francisco. Vivian is dressed beautifully in a red dress, and the scene serves as the culmination of her transformation from prostitute to classy lady. Her emotional reaction the opera also suggests that her sensibilities are more suited to upper class activities than prostitution. However, in the wake of all this, Vivian’s quote hearkens back to her less gentile roots, as she shocks the elderly opera-goer who asks her how she liked it. It is vulgar and rude to speak in such a way to this woman at the opera, given the woman's more refined standards, but Vivian remains innocent and does not know that she is being inappropriate. This quote shows a humorous culture clash, which Edward must cover up by suggesting that Vivian said something about another musical production, Pirates of Penzance.

"Take care of you"

Vivian & Kit

Vivian and Kit say this to one another as a sign of protectiveness and sisterhood. At the start of the movie, it is used as a way of warning the other to stay safe when going to a man’s house, and to stay in charge of the situation. This quote shows Kit's caring side, as she is otherwise portrayed as a carefree woman who spends the rent money on drugs. It shows that the two woman genuinely care for each other and feel responsible for each other's safety. At the end of the movie, the two say it to each other as Vivian packs her bag to leave for San Francisco to complete high school.

In this context, it takes on a more complex meaning. It means not only to stay safe, but to value oneself. Vivian and Kit each want the other to find happy endings, to make it out of the life of prostitution alive.

"You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money."


This quote shows how cold-hearted, detached, and professional Edward is before he gets to know Vivian. It uses double meaning: while Vivian "screws" people—meaning sexual intercourse— Edward "screws" companies—meaning he treats them unethically. In this moment, Edward aligns himself with Vivian in certain ways. While they are in very different social classes, Edward still believes that money is money, and they are basically in the same racket. This quote also shows that Edward is focused wholly on his career, and treats money as the most important aspect of his life. Edward shows no ambivalence about his professional undertakings in this moment. While he knows that he is "screwing" people, business is business.

Edward: Oh, Phil! About your car.

Phil: Oh, God! What?

Edward: It corners like it's on rails.

Edward and Phil

In this quote, Edward repeats something Vivian said when they were driving the Lotus Esprit. When Vivian gets in the car, she tells Edward that it "must corner like it's on rails," and she explains that she knows a lot about cars. When Edward echoes Vivian's words to Phil, we see that he is developing a fondness for her, confirming that he is taking notice of her, and that she is making a real impression.

Vivian: People put you down enough, you start to believe it.

Edward: I think you are a very bright, very special woman.

Vivian: The bad stuff is easier to believe. You ever notice that?

Edward and Vivian

As they lie in bed talking to each other, Vivian reveals that she has very low self esteem, and that she feels very mistreated by the world. Vivian has been belittled her whole life, which precipitated her career as a prostitute and hurt her confidence. She confides to Edward that the world has not been kind to her, and he attempts to compliment her and build her back up. Edward is the first person in a long time who sees any potential in Vivian, and it makes an impression. Vivian responds to his compliment that it is much easier to believe negative feedback than positive feedback, and that that is why she has such limited self esteem.

"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing."


When Edward invites Vivian up to his hotel room, he gives her a romantic treatment, ordering strawberries and champagne. This is unexpected to Vivian, who is used to more straightforward treatment as a prostitute, and it causes her to bristle and say this iconic line. While she appreciates that Edward is being nice, she doesn't exactly trust him, and she wants to remind him that she's a "sure thing"—i.e. because he has hired her, he can treat her however he wants. This quote shows that Vivian is hardened and cynical about romantic gestures given her history as a prostitute. It also shows that Edward is a fundamentally romantic man, and not a creep.

“When I was a little girl, my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was bad, which was pretty often. And I would—I would pretend I was a princess…trapped in a tower by a wicked queen. And then suddenly this knight…on a white horse with these colors flying would come charging up and draw his sword. And I would wave. And he would climb up the tower and rescue me. But never in all the time…that I had this dream did the knight say to me, “Come on, baby, I’ll put you up in a great condo.”


When Edward offers for Vivian to come and live in New York, he mentions all the material things he can give her—an apartment, a car, spending money—but he doesn't frame the invitation as romantic. In this monologue, Vivian reveals that Edward's offer is what she always dreamed of in certain ways, but that she never thought it would just come down to objects and material possessions. While Edward has given her so many of the fairytale wonders that she dreamed of as a young girl, his offer now sounds more like he wants to be her sugar daddy than her lover. In revealing the dreams she had as a child, she shows him how he is falling short, and that he is making her feel cheap.

"It must be difficult to let go of something so beautiful."


After Edward asks Barnard to return the expensive necklace for him, Barnard says this of the necklace. The necklace is surely very beautiful, but Barnard's words have a double meaning here. He is not only talking about the necklace but also about Vivian; he wants to encourage Edward to follow Vivian and give her the fairytale ending. By mentioning how hard it must be to part with such a beautiful and valuable necklace, he also implies that it must be difficult to part with a beautiful and valuable woman.

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