1 Who directed the film? Matthew Warchus Danny Boyle Guy Ritchie Christopher Nolan 2 When did the film come out? 2015 2011 2014 2018 3 Who wrote the screenplay? Stephen Beresford Bill Nighy Mike Bartlett Matthew Warchus 4 In what year does the film take place? 1981 1984 1994 1988 5 In what country? England Ireland America Scotland 6 Who was the prime minister of England at this time? Winston Churchill George W. Bush Margaret Thatcher Tony Blair 7 For which BAFTA was the film NOT nominated? Best Supporting Actress Best Actor Outstanding Debut by a British Writer Best British Film 8 What award did the film win at Cannes? Jury Prize Un Certain Regard Best Costume Design The Queer Palm 9 Who wrote the score? John Cameron Christopher Nightingale David Arnold Rachel Portman 10 Who produced the film? Matthew Warchus Bill Nighy David Livingstone James Cameron 11 Who does Mark watch on television in the beginning? The Queen Boy George Seinfeld Margaret Thatcher 12 Who plays Mark? Ben Schnetzer George MacKay Daniel Radcliffe Sam Claflin 13 What event does Joe attend in London? Gay Pride Santacon A Pet Shop Boys concert Easter Sunday 14 Who plays Joe? Tom Holland Josh O'Connor George MacKay Ben Schnetzer 15 With whom does Mark want to act in solidarity? The lesbians The black community Margaret Thatcher The miners 16 Where is Joe from? Bromley New York Cambridge Notting Hill 17 Who does George talk to at the party that night? Mark Mike Jonathan Steph 18 Who is Steph hiding from at the party? A girl who is in love with her Her ex-girlfriend, who hates her Mark A girl who broke her heart at a Smiths concert 19 What age is Joe turning? 20 21 22 24 20 How much money does Mark tell the group they raised for the miners that day? 100 pounds 300 pounds 50 pounds 200 pounds 21 What is the name of their group? Mining is Gay Queers for Mining Die Margaret Thatcher Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners 22 How many members does the LGSM have at first? 20 4 15 8 23 Who are the older men who want to join the LGSM? Jonathan and Gethin Mike Joe Larry 24 Who plays Gethin? Dominic West Andrew Scott Benedict Cumberbatch Martin Freeman 25 Who plays Jonathan? George MacKay Dominic West Andrew Scott Rupert Everett