Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction Metaphors and Similes

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction Metaphors and Similes

A blank personality (Metaphor)

Everyone who knew Seymour agreed that he was an exceptional human being. Though all his siblings were impressively bright kids, he was still a special one, for the man was a genius. However, being an eccentric person, he didn’t always follow a voice of reason. For instance, he decided to marry a girl with whom he had nothing in common. That was the main reason why his family was so shocked when they learned who his fiancee was. Muriel was just a plain girl or as Franny quipped "a zero." It was true that she was terrific-looking, but that was all, but metaphorically speaking it is just beauty and nothing more about her. Seymour's family simply could picture him with a girl like her.

Too afraid (Metaphor)

The Matron of Honor had to watch the “poor kid cry her eyes out for a solid hour” because of Seymour, consequently she wasn’t too fond of him at that moment. That was absolutely horrible experience, for she felt helpless, there was no way she could help her dear friend. Of course, she had heard about “grooms getting cold feet, and all that,” but it was simply unacceptable “to do it at the last minute.” According to her, Seymour's cowardice embarrassed and offended “a lot of perfectly nice people half to death.” He had almost broke Muriel’s spirit and everything.

Eavesdropping (Metaphor)

Buddy was extremely exhausted, but his tiredness couldn’t even be compared to the extent of boredom he felt. He was trapped in a room full of unfamiliar people, thus there was no one he could talk to without feeling slightly uncomfortable. Eavesdropping was his main source of entertainment. For instance, he learned that Judge Ranker had “the face of a saint.” Well, that honest and kind type of a face suited his occupation just fine.

Hesitations (Simile)

One could be deluded into thinking that Seymour was the only one who hesitated. Unlike him, Muriel didn’t miss their wedding, however, the truth was that the bride had her own doubts too. Buddy learned that from Seymour’s diary, for instance it stated that Muriel doubted the reality of her feelings because it was not “as steadily pleasurable as a kitten.” That made Seymour sad.

Worries (Simile)

They say family is important. It is usually believed that relatives are closest people to us, they do and will love us like no one else. Seymour’s family is exemplary one. The atmosphere of love reigns there, making the rest of the world envy them their happiness. Being a good sister, Boo Boo just can’t ignore the fact that Seymour weighs “as much as a cat,” so she asks Buddy to check on him. The unexpected news about Seymour’s wedding, his unhealthy leanness and mysteriousness about the whole situation makes Boo Boo wonder if the man is alright.

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