Religio Laici, Or a Layman's Faith Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Religio Laici, Or a Layman's Faith Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The fire

The narrator mentions the fire which makes everyone want to continue living and to continue with searching the truth about God. The fire is mentioned numerous times in the poem and it is used here as a symbol to represent the religious fervor which many have and that pushes them to never give up.

Blind people

The people who refuse to believe in Christianity are compared with blind people who are unable to take care of themselves and who are unable to be productive members of society. The fact that they are compared with blind people also transmits the idea that they should not be trusted and should not be believed because they are unable to see the truth. This comparison is mentioned numerous times in the poem and as such, it is a common motif used here.

The thorn

The narrator describes how every person in this world has a thorn they have to learn how to live with. These thorns are impossible to be eliminated and all we can do, as the narrator points out, is to learn how to live with those thorns. In this poem, the thorn is used as a symbol for the sinful tendencies everyone is born with. As humans, we are unable to eliminate our sinful desires and as such, all we can do is fight against those tendencies.

The barren soil

Another common motif which the narrator mentioned in the barren soil. The narrator describes this soil time and time again and is a common fixture in the poem. Apart from being a motif, the barren soil is also used as a symbol to represent a person's mortality.

The sense of superiority

Another common motif which the narrator mentions is the idea that every religion believes that it is the only true one in the world. Because of this, every religious leader has a sense of superiority and the tendency to look down upon those who come from other religions or have a different belief system.

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