Revolution in Our Time Summary

Revolution in Our Time Summary

The Black Panther political movement was a revolution that took place at a significant time in black history. Way before the party's founding, there were different forms of revolt against the capitalist system of America that oppressed and subjugated the African American population.

The party was by far the most centralized the black community had gotten to forming a formidable political movement that could potentially hold its own next to the legacy parties of America.

After a century of fighting white supremacy, the black community had to take a more aggressive approach in taking on the system. From arming their members with legal weapons to adopting political ideologies that directly challenged the American political system, the Black Panther Party was determined to have its way.

At the height of the Cold War, the American government felt that the party was promoting communism amongst the black youth of America. The FBI was especially afraid of how centralized and influential the party became. Fearing a nationwide uprising, the US government swiftly cracked down on the party’s leadership.

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