Riders to the Sea

Riders to the Sea Imagery

Imagery: White Boards

The white boards that Maurya purchased to turn into a coffin for Michael sit in view of the audience the entire length of the play. They are a potent image of death and the concomitant return to the earth.

Imagery: Maurya and Bartley's body

The slow, methodical uttering of words and sprinkling of Holy Water on Bartley's body is an powerful image of a suffering mother, her resignation and acceptance, and the potency of religious rites and rituals.

Imagery: The Clothes

As Nora points out, the ragged, pitiful, limp, wet sock and scrap of a shirt are powerful because they are all that is left of Michael. They are a reminder of the fragility of life.

Imagery: Maurya's vision

Maurya's vision is terrifying and tragic. We see the handsome and finely dressed Michael astride a horse, with Bartley swiftly preceding him. In this surreal, memorable image, the audience can glean that something dark is about to occur.

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